Knowing Where To Drill A Borehole In Zimbabwe

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A reliable method for determining when appreciable volumes of groundwater are encountered is by conducting a preliminary assessment of boreholes or water sources in the area and having a good understanding of where groundwater occurs. 

It is generally good practice to inspect as many boreholes in the vicinity of interest as possible. If the inspected boreholes encounter groundwater at approximately the same elevation and groundwater does not occur in discontinuous lenses, groundwater should be present in the subsurface at roughly the same elevation as in the inspected boreholes.

Sometimes, however, there are no nearby boreholes to guide the drilling. In these cases, it is often very difficult to know when the borehole has intercepted the water table due to the drilling mud sealing up the borehole as the drill bit advances.

1. Groundwater Depth, Quantity and Quality: Where drilled boreholes exist, it is possible to determine the depth to water, geology and expected water quantity and quality. 
Knowing Where To Drill A Borehole In Zimbabwe
Knowing Where To Drill A Borehole In Zimbabwe
The history of old boreholes will indicate how far down the water table drops during dry seasons and will indicate how deep new boreholes must be. If existing boreholes are in the area, the new borehole should be drilled as far away as possible to ensure that both boreholes will produce sufficient amounts of drinking water without interfering with one another (drawing water from the same part of the aquifer). Gather as much information possible on surrounding boreholes before attempting to drill in areas where little information is available or where subsurface conditions are unknown. 

In general, the MobiRig rotary drilling rig should be used in areas where people are getting their water from shallow boreholes (less than 200 feet deep).

2. Subsurface Soil Types: The quantity (or yield) of an aquifer is as important as its quality. The only way to know exactly how much water is available in an aquifer (water-bearing formation) is by pumping existing or newly constructed boreholes. However, a rough estimate of yield can be made by identifying the soil and rock which comprise the aquifer.

Most unconsolidated (uncemented) deposits of sand and gravel-sized particles contain significant amounts of drinking water. However, the amount of water that can actually be pumped from these deposits depends on their thickness and permeability (how easy it is for water to flow through it). In general, the larger the grain size and the thicker the deposit, the higher the yield of the aquifer.

While sand and gravel deposits usually yield large quantities of water, try to avoid siting and developing boreholes in shallow sand and gravel deposits if the water table is less than 3 meters below the surface. Under these conditions, wastewater can easily infiltrate back down to the water table near the borehole and contaminate the drinking water supply.

Boreholes constructed in silt or clay soils will have very low yields regardless of how they are constructed. To compensate for this, large 150mm (6inch) diameter boreholes should be drilled so that large volumes of water can slowly accumulate in the Borehole Casing over time and provide sufficient quantities when required. Finally, consolidated rocks, such as limestone, sandstone or quartzitic rock, may also yield adequate quantities of water. Best yields are found where there are many cracks (fractures) and a thick zone of weathered rock. In general, fine-grained rocks, such as shale, do not serve as productive aquifers.

3. Vegetation: During the dry season, survey for indications of groundwater by looking at the alignment of ant mounds and green vegetation in the midst of an arid landscape. Annual plants, such as grasses and ferns, are not good indicators because they come and go with the seasons. However, year-round reeds and broadleaf trees and shrubs like cedar and willow tend to grow where water is close to the surface. Some water indicator trees in Africa are Daniella (Daniella olivieri), Kapok (Ceiba pentandra) and Baobao (Adansonia digitata).

4. Topography: The water table commonly follows the land surface (see Figure 1). While the lowest areas (valley bottoms or depressions where water accumulates after rains) are generally the best places to drill, care must be taken to ensure that the site has good access, is not subject to flooding and is not close to where contaminated surface water may pond. The presence of water-bearing fracture zones may be detected by surface features such as shallow linear depressions and abrupt changes in valley alignment. Often these features are difficult to see in the field but become apparent when viewed from the air or high elevation.

5. Surface Water: Good boreholes can often be drilled near rivers; if the borehole is deep, groundwater may be available even if the river is temporarily dry. Reliable boreholes have even been located in or close to broad sandy riverbeds which are active once every 5-10 years. Water taken from boreholes located at least 15m from a river is usually cleaner and cooler than water taken from the river. 

If the borehole water remains turbid after construction, the soils may be providing inadequate filtration and contaminated river water may be drawn into the borehole.

Water Systems Zimbabwe is looking forward to your call or WhatsApp Message.

Please feel free to leave a message on our WhatApp number or alternatively please call us and we will be able to help you straight away. If you would prefer, send us an email with your details and an outline of your enquiry and we will be pleased to come back to you.

We respond to all enquiries usually within 24 hours, but guarantee within 48 hours.

Our Contact Numbers Are:
Water Systems Sales: +263 77 389 8979.
Water Systems Sales: +263 71 961 3479.
Solar Systems Sales: + 263 78 922 2847.
Water Systems Sales: +263 71 884 5891.

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